Friday 10 April 2020

An Urgent Care Center Cures Most Sore Throats – But Look for Red Flags

If you or any of your family members suffer from a sore throat, there is not much cause to worry.

Keep in mind that sore throat is one of the most common complaints afflicting Americans.

Statistics say one out of every 10 Americans develops some form of sore throat each year and possibly over 40 million people go to a doctor for a cure.

If you have a mild sore throat, you must increase your liquid intake, gargle with warm salt water several times a day, or take over-the-counter throat lozenges.

Typically, the discomfort will not last many days. 

However if you think you have the flu, you should visit any one of the available Arlington urgent care doctors.      

The doctor may ask you a few questions. 

In case you are experiencing difficulty in breathing and having mild fever, he may ask you to stay at home because he may suspect COVID-19.

In such a situation here are a few steps you must follow.

  • Stay at home.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue. 
  • Wash hands often. 

Get tested to rule out COVID-19. 

Keep in mind that CDC or your state authorities may have guidelines on who should be tested. Decisions on testing rest with the state and local health departments.

Try to get in touch with your local health department or a medical provider on what to do next.

They may suggest to you a place where you can get tested.

In case the doctor suspects bacteria as the cause of infection, he or she may ask you to undergo some tests. 

It is possible that the urgent family clinic Pentagon may offer you a “strep test” that detects streptococcal infection in 15 minutes. 

If the results are positive, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to you. 

This course of treatment is essential because if the infection progresses it may cause damage to heart valves and kidneys.

Sore throats can also be due to other reasons such as tonsillitis. 

Arlington urgent care doctors can easily diagnose tonsillitis and offer you appropriate treatment.

Pollen allergy, common in some parts of the United States, also causes throat irritation along with sneezing.

If you are a regular sufferer from pollen allergy, the doctor might have prescribed you OTC antihistaminic medications or even immunotherapy tablets. 

Here are a few other causes of bad throat.

  • Industrial pollutants: If you are working in an industrial setting that emits lot of harmful pollutants, you may consider changing your job, because good health precedes everything else. 
  • Tobacco smoke: If you are a smoker the best strategy is to stop smoking altogether. 

A word of caution

If the doctors prescribe you antibiotics take them as directed. You may have to take the full course otherwise the infection will be suppressed instead of getting eliminated.

Simple remedies like gargling with salt water can heal most sore throats. 

But if you experience difficulty in swallowing along with having joint pain, blood in the saliva, or a lump in the neck, you must see your physician at once. 

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